Monday, January 19, 2009

Life make it count

After reading my cousins blog. About the funeral she just went to, it makes me think how truly fragile life really is. I mean really when you stop and think about it, there are numerous ways a life can be snuffed out. It can happen when we least expect it,I remember all to well like it was yesterday my Grandmas funeral. It was like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from,The thing that sticks out most in my mind is my mom saying we needed to go take pictures at the grave. I looked at my mom like she was crazy and told her how do you expect me to smile for a picture my grandma just died. She said you don't have to mean it we just want to have a picture done at her grave. I can't even begin to describe the pain I still feel to this day, when I think about the fun I had with her she was the best grandma a person could ask for. Never asking for anything or complaining about things she was the BEST... I can't say it better than that. As for the good memories I'll save those for another blog. Till then make your life count live every day for God, live it as if it wereyour last day on earth, Just make sure your ready when and if he calls you home, don't leave this world with any regrets.

1 comment:

TKB said...

I forgot about the pictures! Way to make Mom sound like a crazy person...:D I don't think she cared if we smiled...that'd be a bit cruel. Glad you're still blogging btw!